The Influence of Green Competence Building, Green Training, and Gender Diversity on Environmental Performance
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Deni Widyo Prasetyo*
Joko Muji Subagyo
Ratna Dwijayanti
The aim of this research was to examine how the development of green skills, environmental training, and gender diversity influence the overall environmental impact. This research uses an explanatory approach. The type of data is primary data and data collection using a questionnaire. The sample used was ITEBIS PGRI Dewantara lecturers as many as 72 respondents. Analysis of data through multiple linear regression revealed a noteworthy correlation between Green Competence Building and Environmental Performance. The study also found a strong positive relationship between Green Training and Environmental Performance. Additionally, Gender Diversity among educators was shown to have a significant positive impact on Environmental Performance, indicating that an increase in Gender Diversity leads to improvement in Environmental Performance.
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