Analysis of Organizational Commitment and Motivation to Employee Performance at PT Panca Pilar Tangguh Medan
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Dearni Gresya Br Damanik*
Bonita Thalasagi
Zulfa Ardila
Nurul Purnaning Tias
Namira Azahra Utami
Eli Delvi Yanti
The primary focus of this research is to examine how commitment to the organisation affects the motivation of employees and ultimately impacts their performance at PT Panca Pillar Tangguh Medan. A qualitative strategy will be employed in order to delve into the thoughts, feelings, and various elements that play a role in determining employee performance. Through conducting thorough interviews, directly observing behaviour, and analysing relevant documents, this study aims to gain a deeper understanding of the link between organisational commitment and motivation in the workplace. The results showed that high organisational commitment, shown through loyalty and a sense of responsibility to the company, positively contributes to employee performance. In addition, work motivation, both intrinsic and extrinsic, has a significant role in improving productivity and work quality. Factors such as corporate culture, rewards and a supportive work environment were also found to influence employees' commitment and motivation levels. This study provides recommendations for management to improve organisational commitment and work motivation to optimise employee performance.
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