Supervision of the River Stone Foundation Work of the Canggu G-17 Housing the Sanata Village PT. Yudistira Alfian Sanjaya
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Sendiyura Izaura*
This paper examines the implementation of river stone foundation work on The Sanata Village housing development project located on Jalan Halim Perdana Kusuma, Cemorokandang Village, Kedungkandang District, Malang City. The report contains several work scopes observed during the Work Practice Internship (MPK). The scope includes the entire progress of work implementation in the project area such as foundation work activities, preparatory work, and column work. This internship aimed to apply student theory and expertise in civil engineering, serving as an observation process and experience to become part of the construction project team. Observations during the internship yielded results related to the foundation work process from planning stage to field implementation. Additional supporting elements include the project management system and Occupational Safety and Health (K3) controls for project activities. Project activities are operational tasks targeted according to the time schedule in control planning. Therefore, implementing a project management system is necessary to ensure a quality and efficient development project.
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