Analysis of Urban Facility Needs in Allu City, Bangkala District, Jeneponto Regency
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Milda Apriliana*
The development of regions continues to increase over time, including in Allu City, which is marked by rapid population growth, leading to high demands for facilities. Facilities play a crucial role in economic development and community activities. Consequently, challenges arise in the unequal distribution of infrastructure services, particularly in Allu City. This study aims to determine the level of availability and needs of urban facilities in Allu City, the capital of Bangkala District, Jeneponto Regency. The research employs a descriptive qualitative method, measuring public perceptions and the needs for urban facilities in Allu City over the next 20 years. This study utilizes two analytical tools: a Likert scale to assess public perception and an analysis of facility needs and fulfillment based on SNI 03-1733-2004. The Likert scale analysis results indicate that public perception categorizes the service quality as highly appropriate. Based on population projections for the next 20 years, Allu City's population is expected to reach 9,195 people. For government and public service facilities, no additional facilities are required. In terms of healthcare facilities, three additional integrated healthcare posts (posyandu) and two community health centers (balai pengobatan warga) are needed. For religious facilities, 28 additional prayer rooms (musholla) are required. Trade and service facilities require an additional 17 shops or small stores. Cultural and recreational facilities need three additional community halls (balai warga). Open space facilities require an additional 37 parks or playgrounds to support Allu City's needs by 2043. In the education sector, 74 additional kindergarten (TK) units and four reading parks (taman baca) are necessary.
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