Optimizing Human Resource Management to Realize Competitive Advantage in the Global Era
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Wilchan Robain*
Bonita Thalasagi
Namira Azahra Utami
Zulfa Ardila
Widya Tri Astuti
In the age of global competition, the key to a company's success lies in its human resources. The phenomenon of globalization has led to competition in multiple areas including economic, social, cultural, political, and environmental spheres. As advancements continue to be made in these fields, companies are now finding it necessary to seek out skilled and capable employees to drive their success and maintain a competitive edge in the market. This study delves into how the strategic function of human resource management impacts businesses, taking into account how vital human resources are for a company's edge in the market. The aim of this article is to assess the progress of research in this area. The methodology employed in this study involves an exploratory tactic utilizing library research, examining various articles from both local and global publications. The findings of the study indicate that the image and reputation of an organization can be influenced by the actions of human resources. In today's technologically advanced world, information about companies is readily available to a large audience. Demonstrating professional, ethical, and responsible conduct in HR fosters trust and satisfaction among customers, employees, and other stakeholders. Therefore, the significance of human resource management strategy in promoting competitive advantage in the globalized world cannot be underestimated.
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