Global Talent Management: Employee Retention Strategies in Multinational Company
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Vina Sasmita*
Melody Try Yana
Salsa Nabila
Sherly Anesha
Khalida Zia Zuriana
Wilchan Robain
Employee retention, particularly in the context of multinational corporations, is a complex challenge that is influenced by various factors, including organizational culture, compensation, career development opportunities, and work-life balance. This research aims to understand how multinational companies can improve employee retention in an increasingly complex global environment. The writing of this research utilizes literature review data collection of various reports, publications, or news about talent management, specifically related to employee retention improvement strategies. The results show that effective retention strategies involve a combination of intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Intrinsic factors include career development, performance recognition, and a strong organizational culture. Meanwhile, extrinsic factors include competitive compensation, attractive benefits, and work flexibility. Employee retention is a strategic approach that organizations use to persuade their employees to stay committed and loyal to the company.
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