Design of Electrical Power Meter for Alternating Current 1 Phase Source
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Dina Mentari*
Muarofatul Isnaini
M. Nur Sulaiman
Electricity utilization plays a significant role in shaping the power distribution system. Single-phase electricity is a common form of alternating current (AC) supply that is predominantly found in various applications within households and small industries. This type of power is essential for operating household appliances like refrigerators, washing machines, and air conditioners, as well as powering small businesses and workshops. Electrical load power measurements are carried out using a wattmeter or powermeter. This tool can help control lighting systems remotely and monitor household energy. Designed for measurement of electrical power consumed by electrical loads. Using voltage, current, phase sensors and an ATMega328 microcontroller to process data. The LCD screen will display data on electrical power consumption based on measurements of current and voltage. This innovative prototype is designed to offer users insights into their electricity usage habits, ultimately encouraging more efficient energy usage. The goal is to empower individuals to make informed decisions about their energy consumption and contribute to a sustainable future.
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