The Impact of Individual Commitment and Team Dynamics on Employee Performance at Warkop Agam
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Sabillah Priatna
Bonita Thalasagi
Namira Azahra Utami
Saputri Nurbaiti
Zulfa Ardila
Arya Hartanta Sembiring
Eli Delvi Yanti*
The goal of this research is to assess how personal dedication and group dynamics impact the job performance of employees at Warkop Agam. A quantitative method was employed, utilizing an explanatory research framework and encompassing all staff members of Warkop Agam as participants (n=31). Information was gathered through structured surveys and examined through multiple linear regression with the aid of SPSS version 26.0 software. The findings indicated that an individual's dedication has a favorable and noteworthy impact on the productivity of employees, evidenced by a regression coefficient of 0.371. Additionally, the collaboration within the team plays a key role in improving employee performance, as shown by the regression coefficient of 0.210. The combined impact of the two independent variables on employee performance was substantial, with an R² value of 75.1%, suggesting that these variables account for a large portion of the variance in employee performance. This study confirms the important role of individual commitment and team factors in improving employee performance. Therefore, organizations are advised to develop programs that support the improvement of individual commitment, such as training and incentives, and create a work culture that supports effective teamwork.
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