The Implementation of Pancasila Values in Shaping Students' Character
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Ridho Syayid Ahkil*
Regar Herlambang
Zahra Syahidatul Insani
Dita Ainun Nisa
This research explores the importance of implementing Pancasila values in shaping student character. Indonesia is facing a moral crisis in the educational environment, such as violence between students, injustice, and loss of respect for teachers and parents. The research used a qualitative approach with a literature study method to analyze related theories and data. It was found that Pancasila-based character education is effective in instilling morals and national values. Teachers play an important role as role models in shaping students' morals. Pancasila value-based education needs to be implemented from an early age through various formal and informal programs, supported by technological innovation and preservation of local wisdom. With systematic and integrated education, the next generation can have strong integrity, tolerance and social responsibility. This research implies the importance of integrating Pancasila values in a character-based curriculum by utilizing technology and local wisdom. Collaboration is necessary between family, school, and government to raise a generation that can tackle global challenges with tolerance, inclusivity, and resilience.
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