Teacher Performance Assessment Through Self-Evaluation (EVADIR) at The Kalipuro-Banyuwangi Sub-District KKGPAI
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Nur Ali Yasin*
Mohammad Nurul Yaqin
This research aims to analyze the Teacher Performance Assessment (PKG) program in the form of teacher competency assessment through self-evaluation. The research was conducted using a qualitative descriptive research method, namely data collected in the form of words and pictures. The procedure was carried out through interviews with Islamic Education (PAI) teachers as informants who provided basic data. The first stage is carried out; the teacher fills in the identity of self and school data on the instruments that have been provided, the teacher fills in the core competency items and finally reports for evaluation. The supporting factor in the running of the PKG is the existence of good coordination between stakeholders. But it also has obstacles such as the saturation of respondents (teachers) in slicing too many core competency indicators. Solutions are provided to minimize the above obstacles by providing assistance, approach and motivation to teachers when filling out instruments. PKG through Self-Evaluation (EVADIR) can make it easier to identify the weaknesses and strengths of a teacher, improve teacher performance and other benefits that can be felt by all school members.
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