Analysis of the Use of Jobsheets and Demonstration Methods in Informatics Subjects at SMK Negeri 2 Pengasih
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Arief Yuli Nugroho
Bagus Putra Setiyawan
Arya Yusuf*
This study examines the implementation of the demonstration method and the use of jobsheets in enhancing student comprehension in the subject of Informatics at SMK Negeri 2 Pengasih. A quantitative approach with a descriptive method was employed, using data collected from questionnaires and task completion analysis. The results indicate that most students found jobsheets and teacher-led demonstrations helpful in understanding the learning topics. Furthermore, the task completion results show that all students achieved scores above the established Minimum Competency Criteria (KKM). However, a few students were close to the KKM threshold, indicating a need for additional guidance. Overall, the combination of jobsheets and demonstrations proved to be an effective approach for improving student comprehension and accommodating diverse learning styles. Hence, more focus should be given to students who are close to meeting the minimum competency requirements by offering extra support to help them fully understand. In addition, a variety of teaching methods that are more interactive and in accordance with student needs can further improve learning outcomes.
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