Improving Learning of Electronic Circuit Application through Proteus 8.12 Software in Industrial Electronics Engineering at SMKN2 Pengasih to Improve Student Understanding
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Bagus Putra Setiyawan*
Arya Yusuf
Arief Yuli Nugroho
SMKN 2 Pengasih is a Vocational High School that has an Industrial Electronics Engineering expertise program, one of the subjects taught in this expertise program is the application of electronic circuits. In its implementation, there are various obstacles in learning the application of electronic circuits, especially the lack of learning with software simulations related to the basics of electronic circuits. Proteus 8.12 software is one of the software that can be used as a learning medium to improve basic understanding in students related to the application of electronic circuits in various circuit applications. This study uses a qualitative method with a descriptive approach to review the feasibility and improvement of learning the application of electronic circuits through proteus 8.12 software simulations using questionnaires distributed to students. The results obtained in this study were that 33 students experienced an increase in understanding of electronic circuits through the proteus 8.12 simulation with an average increase value of 3.35 out of 4.0 maximum points. This indicates that the application of proteus software can be optimal in supporting learning the application of electronic circuits held at SMKN2 Pengasih.
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