The Implementation of Pancasila Values in Shaping Students' Character
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Bambang Yuniarto*
Ridho Syayid Ahkil
Regar Herlambang
Zahra Syahidatul Insani
Dita Ainun Nisa
This research explores the importance of applying Pancasila values in shaping students' character. Indonesia is facing a moral crisis in the educational environment, such as violence among students, injustice, and the loss of respect for teachers and parents. The study uses a qualitative approach with a literature review method to analyze related theories and data. It was found that character education based on Pancasila is effective in instilling morals and national values. Teachers play a crucial role as role models in shaping students' morals. Pancasila-based education needs to be implemented from an early age through various formal and informal programs, supported by technological innovation and the preservation of local wisdom. With systematic and integrated education, future generations can develop strong integrity, tolerance, and social responsibility.
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