Contribution of Split Squat Jump and Clap Push-Up Exercises to the Improvement of Back Handspring Ability in Persani Medan Junior Male Athletes in 2024
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Joy Parulian Sitanggang*
David Siahaan
Andarias Ginting
Jan Bobby Nesra Barus
The purpose of this study was to determine; (1) the contribution of split squat jump training to the improvement of back handspring ability in PERSANI Medan junior male athletes; (2) the contribution of clap push-up training to the improvement of back handspring ability in PERSANI Medan junior male athletes; (3) the contribution simultaneously through split squat jump and clap push-up training to the improvement of back handspring ability in PERSANI Medan junior male athletes. This research uses experimental method with one group pre-test post- test design. The population was 16 people and the sample in this study amounted to 6 junior male athletes of PERSANI Medan with sampling using purposive sampling technique. Data analysis techniques using regression analysis techniques. Based on the results of the study, it shows that; (1) There is a significant contribution of split squat jump training to the improvement of back handspring ability in PERSANI Medan junior male athletes. With post-test data determination of 74.12%. (2) There is an insignificant contribution of clap push-up exercise to the improvement of back handspring ability in junior male athletes of PERSANI Medan. With post-test data determination of 62.7%. (3) There is a simultaneous contribution through split squat jump and clap push-up exercises that is not significant to the improvement of back handspring ability in junior male athletes of PERSANI Medan. With post-test data determination of 74.12%.
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