The Influence of the PBL Learning Model Visual Mapping Method Based on Analysis on Learning Outcomes of Employment Material for Class XI SMAN 1 Pasuruan
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Muhammad Ridwan*
Licha Inabah
Dies Nur Hayati
The objective of this study is to examine how the Problem-Based Learning (PBL) approach, combined with visual mapping techniques, impacts the academic performance of students studying employment material in class XI at SMAN 1 Pasuruan. Through a quantitative method and linear regression analysis, the research findings reveal that this teaching model has a notable and beneficial impact on student learning outcomes, accounting for 29.3% of the variation observed. Although effective, challenges were encountered such as non-normal residual distribution and heteroscedasticity. In conclusion, the PBL-visual mapping model proves to be a valuable tool for enhancing students' understanding of complex labor-related material, fostering critical thinking, and improving academic performance. Nonetheless, the study highlights the importance of addressing methodological limitations and exploring additional variables to further optimize the model's effectiveness. Future research should focus on refining the analytical approach and integrating complementary teaching strategies to maximize the potential of this innovative learning model.
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