The Development of School Library Collections to Support the Education Curriculum
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Azmillulloh Askarul Jabar*
Irfan Taufik
Samsul Pajri
Sania Aqil Salsabila
Yumni Nur Amalia
This study discusses the importance of library collection development in supporting the education curriculum. The library functions as a source of information that provides relevant and quality library materials to meet the learning needs of students, teachers, and the school community. Effective collection development must be adjusted to the needs of the ever-evolving curriculum, including user needs analysis, library material selection, procurement, evaluation, and collection weeding. With up-to-date collections that are in accordance with the curriculum, libraries can increase students' interest in reading, support independent learning, and improve academic achievement. Therefore, libraries must continue to strive to update and manage their collections systematically to create a conducive learning environment and support better quality education. This study uses a library research method with a descriptive-qualitative approach to analyze literature related to library collection development in education. The results of the study indicate that good collection management that is relevant to the curriculum will increase the effectiveness of the learning process and students' academic achievement.
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